Rick's Blog

Manatee homebuilder enters U.S. Senate race

Manatee businessman Carlos Beruff formally announced today that he is running for the United States Senate as a Republican.

At Miami mainstay Vicky’s Bakery, close to where he grew up after his family fled Cuba, Carlos Beruff said the following:

“I’m a husband and father, I’m a homebuilder, I’m a Florida businessman. But most of all I’m a proud American, and like many people, I’m fed up…This country that has given me so much is on the verge of slipping away from us. That’s why today, I am announcing that I am running for the U.S. Senate. I’m not running with permission from Washington. It’s time to get rid of the Washington political class, and bring in a whole new crop of people who will not accept the failures of our federal government, and who won’t take no for an answer…

When my mother fled Cuba and raised us here, I won the lottery because I was able to grow up in the greatest country on earth – The United States of America…This next chapter of my life isn’t a choice for me, it’s an obligation. I believe that I have an obligation to my family, and every American who loves this country like I do…

“Obama has taken us down a socialist path…creating a culture of government dependency…weakening our military…and harming our economy with regulations that kill jobs. The bottom line is that the Obama administration thinks MORE government is the solution. Government IS the problem, not the solution. My name is Carlos Beruff and I’m running for the United States Senate, because it’s time to put America First.”

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