Rick's Blog

Maritime Film tells story of the park

With the help of Barnes West, we produced a film on the Vince Whibbs, Sr. Community Maritime Park—how it started, who worked on it, why it’s named for Vince Whibbs, Sr., etc. It seems like every six months we have to fend off another revision of history and the facts about this public-private economic development project.

As part of my research I came across this rendering of the first Trillium proposal. The one that Marty Donovan, Charles Fairchild, C.C. Elebash and this paper opposed. It was a new Bayfront Auditorium with very little commercial development. If you listen to Donovan and his crew today, you would think this is what they now want. The drawing makes the property look much larger that it is.

Here is the BLAB TV schedule for the next three days:

Today, August 9
9:30 pm

Tuesday, August 10
5:30 am
10 am

Wednesday, August 11
8 am
5 pm

Here is the BLAB TV On Demand link for the show: http://blabtvshows.com/?v=3176.FLV

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