Rick's Blog

Markes may get top attorney

The Daily News continues to take its coverage of Erin Markes to new levels. WEAR and PNJ seem to miss much of this. Dianna Fitzgerald, founder of the National Lissencephaly Network, believes the 4 year old son of Markes is actually in the terminal stages of his disease and not an abuse victim.

Erin Brittany Markes, the boy’s 19-year-old mother, was jailed Friday on allegations that she withheld medical treatment from her 4-year-old son. She was held on $100,000 bond before Santa Rosa County Circuit Judge Ron Swanson ordered her released on Wednesday.

Fitzgerald’s charity organization has referred Markes to Bill McHenry, an attorney at the Michigan-based law firm Fieger, Fieger, Kenney, Johnson & Giroux P.C. The charity also is considering creating a legal defense fund for Markes.

Read Mother referred to high-profile attorney

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