May passes gavel to Barry

Commissioner Steven Barry presented a plaque and gavel to Commissioner Lumon May for his service as chairman during the previous year at the Nov. 2 BCC meeting.

At the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 2, the board reorganized to appoint a new chairman and vice chairman, with District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry serving as the new chairman and District 4 Commissioner Robert Bender as the vice chairman for the coming year.

“It is an honor to serve the citizens of Escambia County and represent District 5 as the chairman for a third year,” said Commissioner Barry. “I want to thank my colleague and dear friend Lumon May for his outstanding leadership as our previous chairman. We have made some great strides under his direction and I intend to continue that momentum to move Escambia County forward.”

He continued, “I want to thank lovely wife, Ellen, for her continued support during my time as District 5 Commissioner and especially now as I begin my time as chairman. Lastly, I want to thank my counterparts on the board for the commitment they have shown to our citizens. It is an honor and a privilege to be a public servant in the community you grew up in and love, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity. I look forward to another strong year and I’m excited to see what else we can accomplish for Escambia County.”

District 3 Commissioner Lumon May previously served as the chairman. Commissioner Barry was vice chair prior to his appointment as chair.

“It’s been a blessing to serve as chairman for the Board of County Commissioners representing the citizens of Escambia County,” said Commissioner May. “I want to thank God and my family for allowing me the opportunity to serve, and my colleagues on the board for their support. I look forward to working with my dear friend Steven Barry as he assumes the chairmanship for the next year. We’ve accomplished great things in the last year with new policies, procedures, and efficiencies, and have worked hard to better Escambia County for all of our citizens. I’m excited for another year of great leadership under Commissioner Barry to see what more we can do together for our community.”