Rick's Blog

Mayor Ashton Hayward: ‘We’re going to continue to do amazing things’

Mayor Ashton Hayward, Council members Larry Johnson, Sherri Myers and Brian Spencer were all sworn into office yesterday.

After several rounds of voting, Andy Terhaar beat out Jewel Cannada-Wynn to become the new council president. Johnson edged out Sherri Myers for the vice president spot.

Hayward stood with his wife and son and was sworn into office by City Clerk Ericka Burnett. Then he addressed the audience filled with city employees, Escambia County Commissioners, his family and supporters.

His speech focused on the city’s accomplishments of the past four years. He thanked outgoing Councilwoman Megan Pratt for her service and praised Cannada-Wynn for her leadership as council president this past year.

Mayor Hayward:

I’ll keep my words short and sweet because today is about the people of Pensacola, and I want to thank all of the folks in Pensacola that have supported us and in this legislative body, the executive body and my administration. It’s been truly humbling to serve the great community of Pensacola, a place where I grew up. I was fortunate enough to move back home and serve my community.

Four years ago, I never had the idea that I was going to be the mayor, but we were very fortunate. We set out with a plan to create the environment where people want to live, work and play, where businesses can thrive, where we can create that environment where businesses will move here, where people will move here.

Downtown is in the middle of a renaissance. We’re creating value where entrepreneurs want to bring their business here and people want to live downtown. Our downtown is the heartbeat of our community. If you think about Pensacola as 39 square miles, we have to create that density that can support these business owners better downtown. You’re seeing that. You’re reaping the benefits.

​I want to thank the students for being here today from Escambia High. It was a real treat for you to come upstairs today.

We have great things going in Pensacola and Escambia County. I want to thank our commissioners for being here, Mr. Robinson for winning again. I want to thank Commissioner Underhill for winning again. I want to thank Councilman Spencer, congratulate him on his victory; Councilwoman Myers on your victory, that’s big. Councilman Johnson, he’s too strong; he didn’t have an opponent.

And I want to congratulate Council President Andy Terhaar and Council Vice President, Larry Johnson.

We have great things going on in Pensacola. I’m going to continue to serve with that vision, that passion, that energy and that vigor to create the place where Pensacola can be one of the greatest cities in America, and definitely in the state of Florida. We drive everything financially, legally, culturally, educationally, militarily, healthcare-wise. We can do it, and we’re going to do it together.

As to the council, I look forward to working with the council. I’d be remiss if I did not say thank you for Jewel Cannada-Wynn. You were an incredible president. We thank you. I definitely want to say a few words about Councilwoman Pratt. I know she had to leave, but with her intellect, her passion, and her energy serving our community, she was truly an amazing councilwoman.

We’ve done amazing things. We completed the Community Maritime Park together. We completed Admiral Mason Park together. Both award-winning. We completed Main Street where it has that energy when you walk into the Community Maritime Park today. We landscaped A Street together. We took down dilapidated buildings together, the Blount school.

We created the value of the Theophalis May Community Resource Center, the Woodland Heights Community Resource Center. We brought UPS. We brought Southwest Airlines, and we brought VTMAE. We are creating the city where people want to be here.

Last but not least, I want to thank my parents for always loving me unconditionally. Whenever I was going to do something, they were behind me. They’ve stood by me and they’ve supported me. I want to thank my three sisters. Lauren’s here. Paula’s here. My sister, Chris, is in Atlanta.

And most importantly, I want to thank the rock of my life, which is Ann Hayward, and my son, Aiden. She’s always there for me. Again, I was at the right place at the right time 21 years ago. So thank you.

But I want to thank the folks that have always supported me, obviously, my contributors, all the folks that stood on corners and waved, all of the grassroots, all of the things that go into a campaign. It’s very, very challenging on family and friends. My mom’s friends from high school. I mean, it’s great to bring people together, bring that energy together to really serve the community, and we all paid a price, but you know with success, you do pay a price. And it takes effort and it takes a team.

I want to thank the incredible employees of the City of Pensacola. Getting to know you the last four years has been amazing. We’re going to do more great things in the next four years.

My support system has been amazing; my faith. I look forward to continuing to serve all of you, and we’re going to continue to do amazing things in Pensacola. And again, it’s very, very humbling for me to be your mayor and serve you.

Thank you.

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