Mayor explains city hall use policy

In response to our post – City Council gives group special status

From Mayor Grover Robinson:

All City of Pensacola buildings, community centers and parks belong to the citizens of Pensacola, and we welcome public use of all of these valuable community resources. Our facilities are used frequently by a variety of organizations for meetings and other events, and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Pensacola.

However, free speech is a fundamental right as Americans that we value greatly, and we do not discriminate against or prohibit anyone from using city resources based on their views or opinions. 

We encourage anyone who is interested in using our meeting spaces to contact us, and we will do our best to accommodate them. The City may make exceptions when it comes to private organizations, for-profit organizations or persons acting on their own behalf, but we welcome public use of our buildings and facilities wherever it is feasible.

These are community assets that are open to the citizens of Pensacola and the entire community.

City PIO Kaycee Lagarde prefaced the mayor’s statement with this:

“It’s important to note that the five agencies you listed are not the only outside agencies that use City Hall, but they are just included in the policy as examples of agencies that regularly meet at City Hall. Other outside agencies are welcome to contact us if they are interested in meeting here.”
