Rick's Blog

Mayor talks about Singapore visit

On WCOA’s “Real News with Rick Outzen,” Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves discussed his recent trip to the headquarters of ST Engineering in Singapore. He called the ST Engineering MRO campus at the Pensacola International Airport the city’s “single largest investment in economic development.”

“It was a really good experience on two fronts. One, having a full understanding that even what will be at least three hangers at our airport is just one sliver of everything that they do,” he said. “As it pertains to the aerospace sector, we were touring areas where they were rebuilding and overhauling entire engines–something they don’t do in Pensacola. To see that entire process was really valuable. And then the second part, maybe even looking towards the future, is seeing the incredible things they’re doing in Smart City Technology.”

Mayor Reeves said that he had “some very early conversations” about Pensacola being a pilot city for some of the technologies that they want to introduced to the United States.

“In parking solutions, they already have them in Singapore now, where it’s not just cameras like we have in Pensacola, where cameras catch you to write a ticket,” Reeves said. They actually have cameras where you set up an app one time, and you’re automatically charged going in and out. So you don’t even have to get your phone out again if you park in that lot every day. It takes care of the entire transaction automatically.”

He also described Smart Intersection Technology that monitors traffic flow and weather. “It gets as granular as if it starts to rain, then you assume with predictive analytics that that means people are going to start leaving earlier from the beach. The lights would start changing red and green accordingly without any human interaction.”

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