Rick's Blog

McFaul: McCarthy will be House Speaker

Dan McFaul believes the Republicans will take control of the House of Representative, while the Democrats may maintain a slight margin in the Senate.

Dan served as chief of staff for Congressmen Joe Scarborough and Jeff Miller. He recently was promoted to be the managing partner of Ballard Partner’s Washington, D.C. office.

He thinks that Rep. Kevin McCarthy will prevails as the new Speaker of the House after there’s “the airing of the grievances” in the House conference meeting this afternoon.

“I don’t see any strong threats as far as a singular candidate that’s out there,” McFaul said on “Real News with Rick Outzen.” “There will be some dissenting votes but there’s not a Paul Ryan. There was in 2015, you may recall, McCarthy was running for speaker and Ryan kind of was swept in there at the last minute. So I think at the end of the day, (McCarthy) gets the Republican nomination for speaker designate.”

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