McMullin added to SC ballot [podcast]

Evan McMullin will appear on the Presidental Ballot in South Carolina as the nominee of the Independence Party of South Carolina. The Secretary of State certified McMullin’s candidacy today.

“Like Americans everywhere, many of us in South Carolina have been watching this year’s presidential process with growing anger and disappointment. If this country has come to the point where the choices we are offered are either Trump or Clinton, then there is something very wrong with our process,” said Wayne Griffin, Chair of the South Carolina Independence Party.

Chairman Griffin went on to say, “When Evan McMullin and his team reached out to us to offer an alternative to the rabid intolerance of Trump and the privileged insider trading of Clinton, I felt it was a good choice. McMullin believes we need crucial political reforms to open our process, that we need to find new ways for black and white Americans to connect with each other, and that we need an independent movement to unite the American people. For that, and for having the courage to take a stand against the corruption of major party politics, the South Carolina Independence Party is proud to endorse him and to give him our ballot line this November.”

South Carolina is the 9th state where McMullin has gained ballot access in just under 4 weeks of launching his bid. In addition to South Carolina he has already secured access in Utah, Iowa, Colorado, Louisiana, Arkansas, Idaho, Virginia, and Minnesota.

“I’m honored to be the Independence Party of South Carolina’s presidential candidate. I look forward to bringing our message of greater opportunity, security, and a better choice to the people of South Carolina,” said McMullin.

Yesterday McMullin was my guest on “Pensacola Speaks.”