Media Roundup 6.05.10

We are in Day 46 of the BP Oil Disaster and 16 days before the Pensacola City Council meets again to express its “outrage.” Computer Model Shows Oil Could Threaten Atlantic Coast By July

“With news of tar balls washing up on Pensacola Beach, Florida joins the list of states directly affected by the Gulf oil spill. However, a new computer model shows the state’s Atlantic Coast may be hit by similar tar balls before most of the rest of the Gulf Coast.”

Fabius Maximus
– My BP Pleasure Fleet article makes the top 10 for June 4.

And Come Don Chisciotte has it on his blog: “Rick Outzen per Daily Beast racconta come mentre tanti pescatori senza lavoro aspettano con le mani in mano, la BP paga i turisti ricchi perché li aiutino con le loro motobarche superveloci.”

And while the Pensacola City Council enjoys the summer, other local governments are working. LA Times: Gulf town vents anger at BP as oil nears:

John Young, the chairman of the council that governs Jefferson Parish, which includes Grand Isle, went further, demanding that Obama approach the spill as if it were a hostile army marching toward the coast. “This is a war and we’re being attacked by an enemy. This oil is going to destroy our way of life if we don’t stop it soon,” Young bellowed from behind a speaker’s table at the front of the room.

Meanwhile, the PNJ buys into the BP hype and reports on the media tour of Pensacola Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center …without asking how many birds have died.

Read more. (This link will only be good for about seven days, then you will have to pay Gannett to read it.)

I prefer the Pensacola Beach Blog’s report:

“Every time we encountered clean-up crews, we tried to engage them in conversation. Normally, we’re pretty good at that. We’re a talkative sort, fairly friendly, and even if we do say so ourselves, we’ve had a lot of experience, from one end of the globe to the other, at getting complete strangers to open up.

Not today. Not with this crowd. We tried talking with several of the workers at several different beaches. Almost all refused to say a word.

Some ignored us. Most merely shook their heads from side to side as if to say, ‘No, man. I can’t say a word’ or ‘Don’t you get it? I need this job.’

One brave worker did tell us he wasn’t “from around here.” But he, too, silently shook his head when we followed up by asking where he was from.”
