Mediocre teacher wants to change Santa Rosa schools

Northview High teacher Vicky Baggett, who chairs the school’s Language Arts Department, has taken her book-banning message to Santa Rosa County.

  • She told the Santa Rosa County Commission: “As a 32-year veteran English teacher, I had never seen anything like this, and I actually could not believe what was being purchased and being made available with taxpayers’ funds for minor children. Sadly, Santa Rosa County is loaded with these types of books as well.” Read more.

Dig Deeper: Northview High School is a C school. Santa Rosa County has five high schools – three A’s and two B’s.

Should Baggett be telling Santa Rosa County teachers how to teach or what books they should have in their classrooms?

Northview High English Language Arts score 42

Gulf Breeze High: 69; Pace High 61; and Navarre 58

1 thought on “Mediocre teacher wants to change Santa Rosa schools

  1. That was quite the get-up she donned for that meeting, cut out shoulders and all. One might almost think she was going for a “sexy” look while publicly obsessing over pornography. Very odd.

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