Rick's Blog

Memorable quotes from Florida governors still resonate

FL cap
I’m a fan of Peter Schorsch and his SaintPeters.blog. Today he highlighted a few memorable quotes from the inauguration speeches by Florida governors. Each is a gem.

Reubin Askew, 1971: “It has been said that government cannot solve all of society’s problems. In that, I could not agree more. But political leadership can provide a commitment to progress and it can, by its own success, restore confidence in what can be done by individuals.” –

Bob Graham, 1979: “Whatever the issues, whatever the demands of the moment, whatever our other concerns, we must never hesitate to fulfill our greatest obligation – that of teaching our children.” –

Bob Martinez, 1987: “Much has been said and written since my election about how different I am – that I am Hispanic, a Republican and a former mayor. All of this is true. But I did not come here to be different. I came here to make a difference.” –

Lawton Chiles, 1991: “We seek to make this a time of jubilee, to have a return of our most valued possession – our sense of family, our sense of belonging – to assure every person that they have great worth, to empower individuals to help themselves, to establish beneficial partnerships with people and their government.”

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