Rick's Blog

Meterologists watching tropical wave in Caribbean

AccuWeather expert meteorologists are closely tracking a potential tropical threat looming in the Caribbean just days before the official start of hurricane season on June 1.

The tropical wave has been interacting with moisture and storms in the Caribbean. Forecasters are monitoring an “area of concern” for next week spanning from the northern Caribbean into the southwestern Atlantic.

“The tropics have the potential to come alive during the first week of June. A surge of tropical moisture will stream north through the central Caribbean. Atmospheric conditions will gradually become more favorable for development over the next 10 days,” said DaSilva. “The time frame we are highlighting is between June 4-6 in the central Caribbean to the Bahamas.”

AccuWeather expert meteorologists say the pattern is forecast to be marginally favorable for tropical development in this region through the middle of June.

If a tropical system were to develop, DaSilva said steering breezes would take it northeast of the southern Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos, and away from the U.S. Should the system overcome the obstacles, it would be the first tropical depression and storm of the year. Alberto is the first name on the list for the 2024 Atlantic season.

Source: AccuWeather. For details, visit AccuWeather.com

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