Rick's Blog

Miami developer makes substantial changes on Maritime Park deal

The Pensacola City Council will hold a workshop on Thursday afternoon to review the Maritime Park lease proposals of Studer Community Investments and MCM-BAP, LLC.

The MCM-BAP, LLC offer is substantially different from one the city’s real estate broker, CBRE, presented to the CMPA Board of Directors in January. The total investment for parcels 4, 7 and 8 has been cut from $65 million to $33 million.

The original offer had rent totaling the greater of $275,000 annually or 7.5% of annual revenues. The new offer is only $150,000, which would also include real estate taxes and common area maintenance.


Parcel 4 Investment Minimum Rent or Real Estate Taxes Maintenance
120 Key Select Hotel $20+ million $100,000 7.5% revenue extra extra
6/8 offer $18 million $75,000 included in rent included in rent
Parcels 7 & 8
Luxury Apartments/Condo $45 million $175,000 7.5% revenue extra extra
6/8 offer $25 million $75,000 included in rent included in rent
Total investment Investment Minimum Rent
Original proposal $65 million $275,000
6/8 offer $33 million $150,000 less real estate taxes and maintenance costs

The new offer, dated June 8, also includes a proposal for surface or structured parking on Parcel 5 or 6 (The Studer offer is for Parcels 3, 6 and 9). No rent will be paid on the parcel. If structured parking is built, the investment is expected to be $8-12 million.

Based on the 2012 appraisals, the parcels that MCM-BAP proposes to lease for $150,000 a year have a total fair market lease value of $509,000, plus real estate taxes.

The commission for CBRE–which was controversial topic early this year– is now in a separate private agreement between MCM-BAP and CBRE.

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