Michelle Obama or Joe Biden, who do you want to visit Pcola (vote)

My sources are telling me that the President Obama’s campaign strategists are debating whether to send the First Lady Michelle Obama or Vice President Joe Biden to Pensacola for a rally before the November general election.

Michelle Obama had a huge rally at the Civic Center during the 2008 election, but I’m hearing that the Obama election team thinks Biden would have more appeal because of the large number of military veterans and retirees in the area.

Republicans have flooded the area with surrogates – Mike Huckabee, John McCain and John Boehner -and more will be coming –with VP running mate Paul Ryan high on the wish list.

Who do you think would be better for the Democrats to visit Pensacola- Michelle or Joe? Click here to take survey.

We will pass the results on to the Obama campaign.
