Rick's Blog

Miller: Pretending radical Islamic terrorism doesn’t exist isn’t going to make it go away

The FBI today released a redacted transcript of the 911 call Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen made during his attack. The transcript has been scrubbed of references to ISIS and individual leaders within the group. As has been widely reported in the media, Mateen is known from prior FBI statements to have pledged allegiance to the ISIS chief and expressed solidarity with other terrorists.

“It is disgusting that the Obama Administration and the Department of Justice would purposely redact the transcripts of this call to reflect their narrow view of the world and promote their political agenda,” Miller said. “We know these horrific attacks were at least inspired by ISIS. To attempt to conceal or downplay that reality is a disservice to the friends and families who lost loved ones on June 12th, and an attempt to deceive the American people. This is the worst terrorist attack on U.S soil since September 11th. No longer can we allow this President to ignore the threat of radical Islamic terrorism and pretend it will go away.” Rep. Jeff Miller

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