Milton receives $9.7 million FEMA grant [podcast]

On Wednesday, August 24, the City of Milton was advised by the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM), Mitigation Bureau that the City has been awarded a competitive Hazard Mitigation Grant (HMGP) in the amount of $9,740,609.10 for Phase 5 of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project.

This phase will be for the decommissioning and demolition of the existing downtown treatment plant. The HMGP program is funded by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The FDEM, HMGP Project Management team, notified the City of Milton of funding approval for the existing wastewater treatment plant located in a special flood hazard area, undergoing repetitive repair costs associated with flooding and operational disruptions. The project will fund the demolition of all structures on the 8.35- acre property to prevent further flood losses and/or wastewater overflows. All structures above the grade and up to three feet below grade will be removed.

Structures more than three feet below grade will have the bottoms broken out and then backfilled to grade. Mitigation activities will also see the removal of all debris to clear the site with the land converted to open space. The project is intended to provide protection against a 100-year storm event.

The total budget for this project is $10,822,899.00. The City is seeking matching grants for the 10% local portion of the project.