Rick's Blog

Missing part of Levitt story

Both the PNJ and WEAR TV 3 have similar stories on the arrest of Andrea Levitt, the 28 yr. old who ran off with a teenage boy and her two kids. Someone tipped off Crimestoppers – for the reward – so the police where at the airport to arrest when she got off the plane with her kids.

The word we received was that she was coming to Pensacola to turn herself in. When she was arrested at baggage claim at the airport, Levitt was with her attorney. Neither PNJ or WEAR TV 3 report that – must not have been in the press release.

WALA TV did report it fully and included all the facts of the arrest. Read Fox 10

From WALA TV report:

Then on Tuesday afternoon Leavitt was spotted in the baggage claim area just before 1:00 at the Pensacola Regional Airport, apparently coming from a connecting flight out of Atlanta. That’s when airport police arrested Leavitt, who was with her attorney and two kids. Leavitt told the arresting officers she was in the process of turning herself in to the Santa Rosa County jail.

The PNJ mentions the attorney, but for some reason doesn’t say the attorney was with Levitt at the airport. I can’t understand why not – I think it is an important fact that helps readers understand Levitt did intend to turn herself in.

Fort Walton Daily News also included that Levitt was with her attorney at the airport:

Investigators say a Crime Stoppers tip led them to Pensacola Regional Airport, where a connecting flight from Atlanta was said to be carrying Leavitt and the children.

The plane landed sometime before 1 p.m., after airport police were told to watch for Leavitt. When they spotted her at the baggage claim, her attorney was with her, said Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Sgt. Scott Haines.

Airport police made the initial arrest and took Leavitt to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office before her transfer to Santa Rosa.

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