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Mobile Aerofest honors veterans next weekend

Mobile Aerofest has announced a number of activities that will bring the veteran and civilian communities together as part of Aerofest EXPO, that will be taking place throughout the festival on March 20 and 21. These activities include the Hero Games which are designed to demonstrate the capabilities and athleticism of our disabled community and showcase those who have overcome great adversity to lead active, fulfilling lives.

The EXPO will also feature a career fair whereby top companies and organizations will come together with veterans to provide them with guidance and career opportunities. The EXPO will also provide a live, interactive platform whereby injured service members can apply for adaptive mobility equipment through the Independence Fund.

“The EXPO lies at the heart of what the Aerofest is all about – providing a world class platform to bring events and activities by veterans and for veterans together with large scale civic engagement,” said Dave Glassman, Co-Founder of Aerofest. “Aerofest was conceived to go farther and to do more by bringing the entire Gulf Coast community together around our veterans and caregivers and provide an array of activities that are designed to not just create awareness—but change lives for the better.”

The Expo will feature a number of competitive sporting activities featuring world class athletes including Wheelchair Basketball four of the region’s top teams: the Mobile Bay Patriots, the Jackson Rolling Tigers, the New Orleans Rolling Pelicans and the Gulfport MS Golden Eagles. The games will also feature Wheelchair Softball, a Golf Demonstration by Players with Prosthetic legs and a variety of presentations and programs that showcase the latest in adaptive technology and the amazing athletes who use them. For a full schedule of all the athletic activities that are part of the Hero Games and EXPO click here.

“The spirit of competition and the discipline and drive required to compete at a high level is an incredibly powerful and healing thing,” said Teddy Alvis, Coach / Player for Mobile Bay Patriots Wheelchair Basketball Team. “Our team and all of the athletes are very energized about playing in front of large crowds – I know that by doing so we will make a lasting connection with the larger community and foster the type of understanding and support that lies at the heart of the Aerofest mission.”

The EXPO will also afford injured service members an opportunity to meet and work with Aerofest partner the Independence Fund, leading national Veterans Service Organization that has provided wounded service members with over 1,000 adaptive, all terrain track wheelchairs.

“The national support we have received for our mission to provide injured veterans with the resources and technologies they need and deserve, but are not getting, has been incredible,” said Independence Fund, Founder, Steve Danyluk. “Independence Fund was founded in Pensacola and its fitting that we are partnering with Aerofest to reach a wide audience of veterans who may need our assistance while reaching a wide audience of people who are looking to do more for our service members.”

The EXPO will also feature a career fair whereby leading organizations and prospective employers will come together to meet with veterans to provide them with insight, support and opportunity for professional development. For a list of participating companies and for information about how to register click here.

The program will also include, for military personnel only, a Train The Troops MMA program whereby top Titan FC MMA athletes will perform a number of interactive programs and exercises. Lakeshore Foundation and their National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) will provide information to people with disability and our injured service members on achieving health benefits through increased participation in fitness, aquatics, recreation, and sports programs. There will also be a chance for festival goers and participants to try out adaptive equipment and find out about getting active in adaptive sports and a host of other activities designed for the broader community to gain insight and appreciation for these amazing programs and athletes.

The program will also include, for military personnel only, a Train The Troops MMA program whereby top Titan FC MMA athletes will perform a number of interactive programs and excercises. Expo will also have modified CrossFit for disabled military or civilian participants that is being produced by the Lakeshore Disabled Fitness Events (NCHPAD) as well as traditional CrossFit programming featuring Andrew Tucker from Acceleration.

Mobile Aerofest is a multifaceted annual festival to take place at the Mobile Aeroplex on March 20 – 21 2015. The Festival’s mission is to actively improve the lives of America’s injured warriors through a confluence of talent, vision and technology that has never been seen before in the production of a live event.

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