Moby cries for government workers

PNJ columnist Mark (Moby) O’Brien cries out for the government workers in his column today:

It’s painful and awkward, worrying if your job will vanish or change dramatically before the new fiscal year starts Oct. 1.

Yet some observers seem downright gleeful at the prospect of people losing their jobs. They keep saying the cuts are overdue — and in many cases they are. But, remember, there are human beings attached to those cuts.

Many businesses in this market, including the News Journal, have had to lay off employees since Hurricane Ivan. No business owner or manager enjoys cuts. I’ve had to do it numerous times and have had sleepless nights worrying about how and when to do ti.

However, why are city and county governments so sacred? Why are they more human than the private sector? Our government is too big and too costly. The largest expenses are payroll related.

Build the Community Maritime Park, put our local sales tax dollars into infrastructure instead of vehicles and focus on economic development. Then we will switch our government jobs to jobs in the private sector.

If the government workers are good workers, they will find jobs in the private sector.
