More college sports coming to Pensacola

On WCOA’s “Real News with Rick Outzen” this morning, I had Pensacola Sports CEO Ray Palmer and Blue Wahoos Senior Writer Bill Vilona.

Palmer announced that SEC women’s soccer will return to Pensacola in April.

“On April 6, We now have three SEC teams, Florida, Mississippi State and LSU, are coming back for a play at Brosnaham Stadium,” Palmer said. “They’re going to just round robin and play each other. So we’re excited to announce that.”

Listen to Ray Palmer talk about the Sun Belt tournament and make this announcement – podcast.

Vilona covered today’s high school baseball games at the Blue Wahoos Stadium and mentioned that the team has put in a bid for the Sun Belt Baseball Championship.

“We have put in a bid for the Sunbelt Baseball Tournament. I think it’ll be 2026 now,” he shared. “We have competition for it obviously, but I feel like what we can do for this will make it maybe a cut above because everything we try to do, we try to do it the best possible way we can.”

Listen to the podcast.

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