More GOP Congressmen in trouble

The Miami Herald has an article about two more Republican Congressmen in trouble for illegally profiting from their party leadership positions when the GOP held the majority in the House.

On successive days, Wednesday and Thursday, Reps. John Doolittle (Calif.) and Rick Renzi (Ariz.) disclosed FBI raids on their homes and businesses, proclaiming their innocence but exposing their legal jeopardy. The announcements were the most recent in a series of developments that have kept the focus on old ethical and legal clouds that helped chase the Republican Party from power on Capitol Hill.

Other Republicans under investigation include: Rep. Gary Miller, R-Calif., for a series of land deals. He is now facing Democratic ads alleging he lied about a land sale that he declined to pay taxes on.  Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif. and Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa.

The Dem aren’t free of controversy. There is of course William (money in th freezer) Jefferson from New Orleans and Rep. Alan Mollohan, D-W.Va., who chairs the House Appropriations subcommittee that funds the departments of Commerce and Justice, that was forced to recuse himself of law enforcement funding matters because he is under FBI investigation.

Read the article: Raids, resignations put Republicans on edge
