Morgan vs. McNesby, Year 2

This is my last breakdown of the Uniform Crime Report. I was curious how Sheriff David Morgan’s second year compares with Sheriff Ron McNesby’s second year. Morgan dealt with a more violent crime trend – 236 of the most violent crimes reported. He had 141 fewer arrests of those crimes than McNesby did.

McNesby – 2002
Morgan – 2010
Offenses Arrests Offenses Arrests
Murder 15 14 93% 26 14 54%
Forcible Sex Offenses 127 87 69% 178 77 43%
Robbery 405 147 36% 461 96 21%
Aggravated Assault 1,145 576 50% 1,263 496 39%
Burglary 3,013 502 17% 2,665 289 11%
Larceny 6,813 1,211 18% 7,271 1,512 21%
Car Theft 650 177 27% 519 133 26%
12,168 2,714 12,383 2,617

Morgan vs. McNesby Offenses Arrests
Murder 11
Forcible Sex Offenses 51 (10)
Robbery 56 (51)
Aggravated Assault 118 (80)
236 (141)