Rick's Blog

MPDP Hoars out construction

Yesterday was the moment of truth for Scott Davison and his employer Maritime Park Development Partners. Could they deliver a letter of intent for a performance bond for the project? The answer was no and yes….Davison and MPDP could not (despite their assurances that they could). However, they added to their team, Hoar Construction of Birmingham, which has the financial strength to do so.

Here are some of the awards Hoar has earned: Society for Human Resource Management’s No. 8 Best Medium Company to Work for in America (2009); Birmingham Business Journal’s Green Builder of the Year (2009); Business Alabama’s No. 4 Alabama’s Top Contractors (2008). Website:http://www.hoarllc.com/.

The release of Rick Rodriguez’s personal financials – an issue the daily hounded upon for days – became a non-event. As I wrote days ago, the park developer’s financials weren’t the issue.

In the daily newspaper, Judge Lacey Collier said, “…So if we end up having to sue MPDP, we don’t have a claim on Rodriguez. So who cares what his value or worth is? He could have $50 billion, and if we sue MPDP, we still can’t touch him.”

All this melodrama over the performance bond could have been avoided had MPDP brought in Hoar Construction months ago.

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