Rick's Blog

New Fire salaries boost upper ranks the most

The proposed collective bargaining agreement between the City of Pensacola and the Firefighters Union is online . The new agreement, which will be voted on by the city council today, substantially raises the pay of the Fire Captains. The city staff estimates the impact on the current budget of this agreement is an additional $370,600.

There are 38 Fire Captains, 40 Fire Lieutenants and only 42 with the rank of Professional Firefighter. This means that there are nearly one Captain and one Lieutenant for every Professional Firefighter in the Pensacola Fire Department. Doesn’t this seem to be a little top heavy?

Under the new agreement, Fire Lieutenants will now be called Fire Engineers. They will get a 7% raise or will be adjusted to the new minimum for their rank – $35,072.70 (old range was $31,245-$48,443) – which is ever greater. They will get another 5% on their anniversary hire date.

Fire Captains (old range $36,025-$55,913) will be split into Fire Captain I and Fire Captain II. Both of the new ranks get a 10% raise or will be adjusted to the new minimum for their rank – Fire Capt. I $41,321.80; Fire Capt. II $48,916.40 – which is ever greater. They will get another 5% on their anniversary hire date. Fire Capt I get an additional 5% raise on top of that.

The lowly Professional Firefighters only get a 5% raise or will be adjusted to the new minimum for their rank – $30,049.60 (old range was $27,179-$42,248) – which is ever greater. They will get another 5% on their anniversary hire date.

New Pay Ranges

Professional Firefighter: $30,049.50-$46.703.80 Old: $27,179-$42,248
Fire Engineer (Lt.): $35,072.70-$54,328.30 Old: $31,245-$48,443
Fire Capt. I: $41,321.80-$61,833.20 Old: $36,025-$55,913
Fire Capt. II: $48,916.40-$72,358.00

Union leadership did a great job of taking care of itself and the higher ranks. Of course, in a union vote on this agreement the Captains and Lieutenants/Engineers outnumber the Professional Firefighters 2 to 1 so they will always make sure they get the majority of the pay raises.

Why did the PNJ only give this a brief mention in today’s paper?

Read the agreement for yourself. Click here.

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