Rick's Blog

New Pensacola Sanitation Collection Schedule

Mayor D.C. Reeves announced the two-day pickup schedule for Pensacola residents:

Monday Customers
Monday: Garbage and yard waste
Thursday: Garbage only

Tuesday Customers
Tuesday: Garbage and yard waste
Friday: Garbage only

Wednesday Customers
Wednesday: Garbage only
Friday: Garbage and yard waste

Thursday Customers
Monday: Garbage only
Thursday: Garbage and yard waste

The UWF Haas Center is questioning whether residents would be willing to pay $8-$10 more a month for curbside recycling.

“If you’re willing to even pay just an $8 or $10 more a month, we know that you’re going to be motivated to make sure that you’re more than likely going to be recycling properly,” said the mayor. One of the reasons for dropping curbside recycling was the recycling from city sanitation customers averaged more than 50% contamination.

The mayor said that the recycling cans will be picked the week of Sept. 25. The new schedule starts Oct. 1, and the last curbside recycling picks ups will be the week of Sept. 18.*

* Updates

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