Rick's Blog

New Poll: DeSantis has comfortable path to re-election

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis holds a comfortable lead in a recent Political Matrix/Listener Group poll of 716 likely Florida voters.

When looking at a head-to-head matchup with Congressman Charlie Crist, DeSantis leads 54.7% to 45.3%,  while at the same time leading Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried 60.9% to 39.1%.

1. First, if the election for governor were held today, who would you choose between Ron DeSantis or Charlie Crist?
Responses: 716 Total Overall %
 1. Charlie Crist 324  45.3%
 2. Ron DeSantis 392  54.7%
2. Next, if the election was between Ron DeSantis or Nikki Fried, who would you choose?
Responses: 716 Total Overall %
1. Ron DeSantis 436  60.9%
 2. Nikki Fried 280  39.1%


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