New Thought Leaders

From Newsweek:

1. Steve Jobs – got people to stop thinking about computers and the Internet as weird, complicated things
2. Jon Stewart – gone from optional to indispensable.
3. The Google Guys – brought the ethic of speed, automation, and efficiency to the work of the mind
4. Karl Rove and David Plouffe – mastered the latest get-out-the-vote technologies and applied them with ruthless efficiency
5. The Twitter Guys – an amazing feeling to be able to ask questions and get an immediate response.
6. Michael Pollan – has fostered a national conversation about food
7. Malcolm Gladwell – singlehandedly invented a genre of nonfiction that has hatched a thousand followers.
8. Nick Denton and Arianna Huffington – fully understand the niche-ification of media
9. David Chase – fearlessly broke from tradition, casting an unlikely protagonist and avoiding tidy endings.
10. Hillary Clinton – spoke to the American belief in second chances, in everyone’s right to try to remake themselves and take another grab at the brass ring.
