Rick's Blog

Newpoint investigation continues

School Desk
The investigation of allegations of grade fixing at Newpoint High School could take weeks to complete, according to the Chief Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille.

“It will take time to go through all the documents and conduct all the interviews,” said Marcille.

He could not give a deadline for when the investigation would be completed.

Meanwhile, eight of the 10 Atlanta educators were convicted of racketeering yesterday in one of the nation’s largest public school cheating scandals. They were sentenced to prison terms of up to seven years after they refused to take sentencing deals that were predicated on their acceptance of responsibility and a waiver of their right to appeal.

A 2013 grand jury indictment named 35 Atlanta Public Schools employees. Prosecutors said the educators who engaged in the conspiracy did so to win bonuses, protect their jobs or please their superiors.

Read NY Times.

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