News show ratings


Nielsen Ratings – Thursday, June 4 Scoreboard

25-54 demographic: (LS)

Total day: FOX (FNC): 304 | CNN: 185 | MSNBC: 101

Prime: FNC: 421 | CNN: 314 | MSNBC: 168

Demographic: ages 25-54

FNC  O’Reilly, 8 pm: 476  H&C, 9 pm: 379   Greta, 10 pm: 409

CNN  Zahn, 8 pm: 250    King, 9 pm:342    Cooper, 10 pm:350

MSNBC Obermann, 8 pm: 209  Scarborough, 9 pm: 148    Special, 10 pm: 146

While Joe trails Fox’s Hannity & Combs and CNN’s Larry King, MSNBC reports Scarborough Country showed “the strongest growth” among the 9pm shows on cable news.

Scarborough was up 50 percent in total viewers (480,000 vs. 320,000 last May) and up 43 percent in the 25-54 demo (157,000 vs. 110,000 last May).

Joe still appears to be best bet to replace Don Imus in the morning.

