No Boss Marty

If Martin Donovan is able to get enough signatures, then the name of the Political Action Committee that battles him should be No Boss Marty. His petition drive really isn’t about the bond financing. It’s about his personal vendetta with Quint Studer and Mort O’Sullivan and his willingness to use this City to punish his enemies, regardless how the delays drive up costs and hinder job creation.

This isn’t about a waterfront park. It’s about Marty versus Studer and O’Sullivan.

During the Community Maritime Park debate, Councilman Donovan knew that the park bonds were more than $40 million. The minutes of the March 27, 2006 special meeting of the Pensacola City Council show that during the discussion of the park bond issue, Councilman Donovan asked City Finance Director Richard Barker what would be the amount of the bond issue. Barker stated “somewhere around $42 million.” Read Council 32706.

During 2006 debate over the park, Donovan said that he wanted a more open bidding process. Yet in 2008 when he was presented with an airport hotel lease deal that had only been negotiated with one developer, he voted for the lease and voiced no objection. The difference between the park and the airport lease —Studer and O’Sullivan weren’t involved with the hotel lease.

During the debate Marty said that his neighbors and constituents were clearly going to reject the park. Of course, he wasn’t voicing the opinions of his district.

Marty represented District 4. That district has three precincts: East Pensacola Heights Rec Center (35), Trinity Presb. Church (46) and Bayview Park Rec Center (40). The Yes votes were 2006; No votes 1562.

Now what did Marty do to help get the park cleaned up and built during his last term? I mean it’s clear that his district was one of the biggest supporters of the park. He did nothing. It’s why he was so soundly defeated in 2008.

We all thought that the 2006 referendum would end this debate. The people decided that wanted the park. Had the voters rejected the Community Maritime Park, we would have moved on. However Marty accepts no votes. The City Council approved the park plans 9-1 and yet he actively worked against that vote and forced the referendum. The citizens approved the park and Marty wants to invalidate that vote too.

He now has his band of followers believing that they will stop the park with this petition. The petition doesn’t. The petition is about the financing plan approved by the council. All the development agreements have been approved and signed. They can’t be overturned by a referendum. Has Marty told them that?

The Donovan petition only forces another referendum. If he gets the signatures, the council should immediately pass another financial plan that is contingent on the referendum. If Marty wins the referendum – which is very doubtful, the second financing plan goes into effect. Donovan will be forced to seek petitions to overturn the second financing plan while trying to get votes for his referendum that rescinds the first financing plan.

BTW: Donovan really needs to collect about 7,000 signatures to be sure he has the valid number of registered voters for the petition to be approved. According to his interview on the radio this morning, he still needs 2000 signatures by noon, Dec. 7.

If Marty gets his signatures, we will pick apart his lame arguments, but let’s wait and see how he does over the weekend.
