Rick's Blog

No ethics at the top

Escambia County lives in an ethical limbo – where right is wrong, wrong is right; where county commissioners serve themselves first, then us last. We are suppose to ignore Whirehead’s relationship with Cody Rawson and believe it has no impact on his actions as chairman of the county commission.

Remember it was only last month that Whitehead had a special add-on to regular meeting agenda for the county commission to approve a subdivision proposed by Rawson. Yet we are to ignore that and trust Whitehead to chair the meeting without favoritism.

This is the same Whitehead that used a request by Pensacola Children’s Chorus for help on renting the Pensacola Civic Center for its Christmas show to lash out at its spokesman, Dick Appleyard, because Appleyard supports his opponent, Wilson Robertson.

The top political position in county government is the chairman of the Escambia County Commission. We need someone of the highest ethical standards in that position.

It should not be Mike Whitehead. He should step down.

BTW: I think it’s ridiculous to lump Grover Robinson in with Whitehead on accepting contributions from Rawson. Grover got a campaign check from Rawson two years ago. He did not accept a cocktail fundraiser two days before a legal strategy meeting on lawsuit with Rawson.

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