No more BP coeds at community meetings

It’s time to stop the “sorority teas” at the community meetings on the BP oil spill. If BP can’t have a knowledgeable person (male or female) who can answer technical, financial and legal questions, then don’t bother. City and county officials should refuse to sit on a stage or participate in a panel discussion that has the Sigma Chi Sweetheart representing British Petroleum.

Here is the Site Organization for Site Specific Health and Safety Plan for the BP spill. One of these people should be answering questions from the public—-not Chi O’s, Tri-Delts and Phi Mus rush chairmen.

Shoreline Protection Recovery
Artie Meyers
Mark Ploen

BP Representatives
Rubio Flores
Joseph Oliveri

Pete Benson
Justin Smith

Marine Spill Response Corporation
Project manager: Rich D’Allassandro

Project Managers-Jim Nardozz, Harry Marsh
Senior Operations-Robert Raymond
On-Water Operations-Mike Harper
Staging Operations- Dennis Holt, Ernie Watson
Logistics: Jorge Sanchez
Finance: Bonnie Curry
Safety: Val Garner, Nick Federoff

Other Contracted Support
Oil Response Corporation: Gerald Hayes
U.S. Environmental Services: Michael Kolkana
ERG: Peter Cabral
Global Environmental: Tim Burbank
Garner Environmental: Otis Chambers
Anderson Pollution: Rob Parham
Cliff Berry Inc.: Steven Haggerty
CCI: Deane Jones
