Rick's Blog

No More Nooses

University of West Florida President Judy Bense took time on Wednesday at a scheduled student forum to address the hate crimes on the campus, specifically the two nooses found over the past week.

“I’m not a happy camper,” Bense told the crowd of about 100 students, faculty and community leaders. “I care about this university and each and everyone of you.”

Around noon on Wednesday, April 11, a female student discovered a noose outside Martin Hall on UWF’s main campus. The campus police were called and an investigation was opened. A second noose was found around 10:20 a.m. on Monday, April 16. It was draped over a campus map sign at the tennis courts in parking lot J.

In a fact sheet given to the IN, the university stated that the persons responsible for the noose would be “prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” UWF is treating the incidents as hate crimes. When a suspect is arrested and charged, UWF can ask for an enhanced penalty.

The April 18 forum was organized by the Inclusion Services and Programs’ Common Ground Diversity and Inclusion Training group for a discussion of diversity and discrimination. Although the meeting had been planned to discuss the shooting of Trayvon Martin, Bense used it as an opportunity to address concerns on racism on her campus.

In the crowd were the “old guard” of civil rights leaders: Rev. H. K. Matthews, Dr. Calvin Avant (Pensacola-Escambia Human Relations Commission), Elvin McCorvey (NAACP), Ellison Bennett (SCLC) and Jerry McIntosh (Movement for Change). The elected official in attendance was School Board member Linda Moultrie.

Two candidates, Lumon May (Escambia County Commission, District 3) and Rev, Lutimothy May (School Superintendent), were also in the audience, talking with the students.

Bense said at the forum that UWF should be neutral territory that is inclusive and free of harassment. “These are our bedrock values,” said Bense. “We must protect them and pay attention to them. I work on it every day to make sure we have an environment free of harassment of any kind.”

She said that the nooses were deplorable acts. “I hate it,” she said, assuring the students that the university is actively investigating the crimes. She pledged her full support to the investigators. “Anything they need, they’ve got.”

Bense announced that she was forming the Presidential Policy Council on Diversity. The council will meet regularly with her to discuss policies and keep inform of diversity issues on campus.

“We are not trying to push this under rug,” said Bense. “We will talk about this more than ever. And if we find out who is behind (the nooses), someone better hold me back.”

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