North Florida favors AR-15 ban more than southern Florida

The Inweekly/Political Matrix poll released yesterday  found that the senate districts in the northern part of the state (1-20) favored banning future sale of AR-15  rifles slightly more than the voters in the southern part of Florida.

South Florida (Districts 21-40) favored raising the age limit for gun purchases at a higher percentage than the Districts 1-20.

Ban future sales of AR-15
Dist 1-20 Dist. 21-40 Combined
Agree 59.30% 58.70% 59.00%
Disagree 34.50% 30.50% 32.40%
Undecided 6.20% 10.80% 8.50%
Raise age limit 21
Dist 1-20 Dist. 21-40 Combined
Agree 62.40% 69.00% 65.80%
Disagree 25.00% 17.60% 21.20%
Undecided 12.50% 13.40% 13.00%
Three-day waiting period
Dist 1-20 Dist. 21-40 Combined
Yes 85.40% 83.10% 84.20%
No 10.40% 12.00% 11.20%
Undecided 4.20% 4.90% 4.60%
Arming school staff
Dist 1-20 Dist. 21-40 Combined
Agree 37.60% 34.20% 35.80%
Disagree 43.90% 52.70% 48.40%
Need more information 18.50% 13.10% 15.70%