Notes: BCC 7.10.08

Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – July 10, 2008 – 5:30 p.m.
Governmental Complex – First Floor

Call to order at 5:31 p.m.
All Commissioners were present except Mike Whitehead who was out of town on business.

Items to be added to the agenda?
White and Robinson each had one item to add.

Commissioners’ Forum.
“I’d like to send out to my wife, thanks for being with me 15 years,” Robinson said. “Happy anniversary.”

Proclamations/Special Recognition.
Recommendation: That the Board take the following action concerning
Proclamations/Special Recognition:
A. Recognize and thank the Pensacola Dog Fanciers’ Association, Inc., and the Five Flags Dog Training Club for their donation of pet oxygen mask kits to each of the Escambia County Fire Rescue Departments; and
B. Accept the Certificates of Appreciation from the Marine Corps League on behalf of the Escambia County Road Prison and Escambia County Solid Waste Management for their support of the “Help Them Call Home Program,” as requested by Mike Baxter, Marine Corps League.
Both proclamations were passed unanimously with Commissioner Whitehead absent.

Employee of the Month Proclamations – None.

Written Communication.
A. June 7, 2008 – Communication from Frankie C. McIntosh, Chairman, Board of
Trustees, Pace Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, requesting that the Board forgive the liens against property located at 3001 West Cervantes Street; and
A motion was made to forgive the liens.
It was passed unanimously.

B. Undated Communication from Karl E. Lewis and Karl D. Lewis requesting that the Board waive the interest and penalties relative to two Code Enforcement Liens against property located at 2523 North “L” Street.
The hard costs of this is $11,336.
A motion was made to have Lewis pay just over $8,000.
It was passed unanimously.

5:31 p.m. Public Hearing for consideration of adopting an Ordinance creating the Maple Oaks West Phase II Street Lighting MSBU.
Recommendation: That the Board, at the 5:31 p.m. Public Hearing, adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign, the Ordinance creating the Maple Oaks West Phase II Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU), and all related documents, and make the following findings of fact:
A. Lots in the District are specially benefited since street lighting not only increases the market value of an individual lot in the District, but also increases safety in the District surrounding individual lots and the ability of lot owners to use their individual lots after dark;
B. The benefit from improved street lighting varies according to the relative size of the affected lots; residential lots benefit from improved street lighting uniformly because of the small variation in size throughout the District;
C. The non-ad valorem special assessments levied represent a fair and reasonable apportionment of the cost of the special benefit received by each lot and do not represent a fair share of the cost of general governmental service provided to residents in the unincorporated areas of Escambia County; and
D. Lots which do not receive a special benefit have been and shall be excluded from the non-ad valorem special assessment for street lighting.
Passed unanimously.

Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
1. Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of Reports
Recommendation: That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the
following three Reports prepared by the Clerk & Comptroller’s Finance Department:
A. Payroll Expenditures for Pay Date June 27, 2008, in the amount of $2,214,267.35; and
B. The following two Disbursement of Funds:
(1) June 12, 2008, to June 18, 2008, in the amount of $12,858,220.55; and
(2) June 19, 2008, to June 25, 2008, in the amount of $2,461,028.09.
2. Recommendation Concerning Accounts Receivable Write-Off
Recommendation: That the Board adopt the Resolution authorizing the write-off of $3,084.61 in returned checks and accounts receivable in various funds of the County that have been determined to be uncollectible bad debts.
3. Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of CIAC Minutes
Recommendation: That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the County Investment Advisory Committee (CIAC) held April 25, 2008, as prepared by the Clerk to the Board’s Office.
4. Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of Documents
Recommendation: That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the original Research Agreement, Sponsor Agreement ID: Escambia-001-2007, approved by the Board on June 21, 2007, and received in the Clerk to the Board’s Office on June 30, 2008.
5. Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports
Recommendation: That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board’s Office:
A. Approve the Minutes of the Public Forum Work Session and Regular Board Meeting held June 19, 2008;
B. Accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Report of the Committee of the
Whole (C/W) Workshop held June 12, 2008; and
C. Accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Report of the Agenda Work Session held June 19, 2008.
All passed unanimously.

Growth Management
Case No.: Z-2008-11
Location: 2071, 2799, 2800 West Kingsfield Road
& 3598 Devine Farms Road
Property Reference No.: 30-1N-31-3302-000-000, 31-1N-31-
1101-000-004 & 35-1N-31-2101-000-
Property Size: 777.43 (+/-) acres
From: VR-1, Villages Rural Residential
To: V-2A, Villages Single-Family
Residential, District (3du/acre) & R-2,
Single Family District, (cumulative) Low-
Medium Density (7du/acre) AIPD-2,
Airfield Influence Planning District

Requested by: Robert A. Emmanuel, Agent for Devine Farms, LLC., Owners
“The total build out will be less than one unit per acre,” Emmanuel said. “We meet all the applicable material to approve the change.”
“I am against this,” said resident Gary Travis Ellison. “R-2 is inconsistent. I have a pile of concerns here. There are lots of things that are going to change if this goes through. The traffic is going to be bad and that is going to reduce the value of my home.”
“I will be honest,” White said. “I have some heartburn with this. I have consulted with the county attorney and I can not see anything to overturn this.”
“There is a substantial number of acreage that would be undeveloped because of the wetlands,” Robinson said.
Robinson moved to approve the rezoning as is. Young seconded. It was passed 3 to 1 with White against.

2. 5:45 p.m. – Thursday, July 10, 2008, Public Hearing – Amendment to the
Official Zoning Map
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt an ordinance to amend the Official
Zoning Map to include Rezoning Cases Z-2008-08, Z-2008-09, Z-2008-10 and Z-
This was passed unanimously.
3. 5:46 p.m. – Thursday, July 10, 2008, Public Hearing – “Public School Facilities Element”
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review and approve the comprehensive
plan amendment regarding the Public School Facilities Element (PSFE).
“With No Child Left Behind and people transferring into other districts,” Robinson said. “I see this being a big issue for you. This planning tool has a deficiency in it.”
“This is another one of those state mandates that doesn’t make sense,” Young said.
Sean Dennis with the Escambia School District discussed children moving from school to school.
This was passed unanimously.

4. 5:47 p.m. – Thursday, July 10, 2008, Public Hearing – LDC Article 2,
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review and approve for adoption an
ordinance to the Land Development Code (LDC); Amending Article 2
“Administration”, Section 2.10.06, to add provisions regarding setbacks as shown
on approved subdivision plats.
This item was moved to the Aug 7 meeting.

5. 5:48 p.m. – Thursday, July 10, 2008 Public Hearing – LDC Article 6, PODs
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board conduct the first of two public hearings to
review an ordinance amending Part III of The Escambia County Code of
Ordinances (1999), the Escambia County Land Development Code (LDC), as
amended, Amending Article 6 “Zoning Districts”, Section 6.04.12 which deals
with the use of portable storage containers in residential zoning districts; section
6.04.14 to clarify existing text from tenant to occupant; and section 6.04.15
creating no fee for a county container notification.

FY 06/07 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Annual Report
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review and approve the FY 06/07
Comprehensive Plan Implementation Annual Report.
This was passed unanimously.

1. Scheduling of Public Hearings
Recommendation: That the Board schedule the following public hearing(s):
A. 5:45 p.m. – Thursday, August 07, 2008 – A public hearing to amend the
Official Zoning Map to include the following Rezoning Cases heard by the
Rezoning Hearing Examiner (RHE) for cases heard on June 23, 2008.
Passed unanimously.

County Administrator
1. Recommendation Concerning an Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of the Public Safety Data Center – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County and the School Board of Escambia County for the joint use of the Public Safety Data Center:
A. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County and the
School Board of Escambia County for the joint use of the Public Safety
Data Center; and
B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement.
2. Recommendation Concerning Lease of Property Located at 1610 Albany Avenue
– Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action regarding the
lease of land and residence to the Perdido Bay Tribe of the Southeastern Lower
Muscogee Creek Indians, Inc., within the Jones Swamp Wetland Preserve to
develop as an educational and cultural center:
A. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the lease of real property to the Perdido
Bay Tribe of Southeastern Lower Muscogee Creek Indians, Inc., for $1.00
per year beginning July 10, 2008, for a five-year period with a renewal
option for an additional five-year term;
B. Authorize the chairman to sign the Resolution;
C. Approve a Lease Agreement between Escambia County and the Perdido
Bay Tribe of Southeastern Lower Muscogee Creek Indians, Inc., for that
portion of property located at 1610 Albany Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, for
$1.00 per year beginning July 10, 2008, for a five-year period with a renewal
option for an additional five-year term; and
D. Authorize the chairman to sign the Lease Agreement.
3. Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing for Designation of 2800 Hollywood Avenue as a Brownfield Area – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the scheduling and advertising the first of two Public Hearings on July 24, 2008, at 5:31 p.m., to receive public input on the designation of 2800 Hollywood Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, 32505, as a brownfield area within the Palafox Redevelopment Area for the purpose of affordable housing.
4. Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of Stormwater Retention Parcel on Olive Road – Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action, concerning the County’s acceptance of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) stormwater retention parcel on Olive Road:
A. Confirm the previous Board action of June 22, 1999, as amended on
October 7, 1999, concerning the Joint Project Agreement relative to the
purchase of real property and construction of a stormwater treatment pond
at the intersection of Olive Road and Ninth Avenue;
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign all documents necessary to complete this transaction; and
C. Authorize the payment of incidental expenses associated with the
recording of the Deed.
5. Recommendation Concerning Out-of-County Travel – ICMA 94th Annual
Conference – Robert R. McLaughlin, County Administrator
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize out-of-County travel for Robert R. McLaughlin, County Administrator, to attend the International City County Mangers Association’s (ICMA) 94th Annual Conference in Richmond, Virginia, on September 21-24, 2008.
6. Recommendation Concerning Urban Services Report for the Annexation of Baptist Hospital Properties and Adjacent Properties – Robert R. McLaughlin, County Administrator
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Urban Services Report for the Annexation of Baptist Hospital Properties and Adjacent Properties, as submitted by Sherry H. Morris, Planning Services Administrator, the City of Pensacola.
7. Recommendation Concerning Replacement 9-1-1 System – Michael Hardin, Public Safety Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board ratify the Chairman’s signature on the
Motorola Communications System Agreement to allow purchase of a replacement 9-1-1 System, as approved by the Board in its meeting held June 19, 2008.
8. Recommendation Concerning Disposition of Surplus Equipment – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the Requests for Disposition of Surplus Equipment to be sold as surplus or appropriately disposed of, all of which are described on six requests, as provided by various County Bureaus for the reasons stated on each, the value of which is estimated at under $5,000.
*All items were passed unanimously.

Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1. Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #269 – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt the Resolution approving
Supplemental Budget Amendment #269, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $60,388, to recognize proceeds from a State of Florida Department of Transportation, Local Agency Program Agreement, and to appropriate these funds for a design for sidewalks along Airway Drive.
2. Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #270 – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt the Resolution approving
Supplemental Budget Amendment #270, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $100,000, to recognize proceeds from a State of Florida Department of Transportation, County Incentive Grant Program Agreement, and to appropriate these funds for infrastructure improvements on Olive Road at Gregg Road.
3. Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #271 – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt the Resolution approving
Supplemental Budget Amendment #271, Other Grants & Projects (110), in the
amount of $350,000, to recognize proceeds from the Northwest Florida Water
Management District’s Florida Forever Funding Agreement, Contract Number 08-
042, and to appropriate these funds for the Second and Sunset Wetland Water
Quality Improvements Project.
4. Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #273 – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt the Resolution approving
Supplemental Budget Amendment #273, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $112,500, to recognize proceeds from a State of Florida Department of Transportation, County Incentive Grant Program Agreement, and to appropriate these funds for infrastructure improvements at Olive Road and Cody Lane intersection.
5. Recommendation Concerning Florida Department of Children and Families
Contract – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the
Florida Department of Children and Families Contract AH401:
A. Approve Contract AH401 between Escambia County Board of County
Commissioners and the Florida Department of Children and Families;
B. Ratify the Chairman’s signature on Contract AH401; and
C. Adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #272,
Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $95,280, to
recognize proceeds from the Florida Department of Children and Families
Contract AH401, and to appropriate these funds for forensic mental health
specialist services.
6. Recommendation Concerning 2nd and Sunset Avenue Environmental Restoration and Culvert Replacement – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity,
Indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.064, “2nd & Sunset Avenue Environmental
Restoration & Culvert Replacement” to Starfish, Inc., in the amount of
$437,852.35. [Funding to be provided in Fund 110, Grant Fund, Cost Center TBD, Object Code TBD – $350,000, Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number 08EN0382 – $87,852.35]
7. Recommendation Concerning Various Road Materials Pricing Agreement – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning PD 06- 07.082, Various Road Materials Pricing Agreement:
A. Approve Amendment 1 for pricing adjustments to the Agreement between
the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida and
APAC-Southeast, Inc.; and
B. Approve Amendment 1 for pricing adjustments to the Agreement between
the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida and
Roads, Inc., of NWF.
8. Recommendation Concerning Re-bid, Beulah Road and Nine Mile Road
Intersection Improvements – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services
Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity,
Indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.102, “C.R. 99 (Beulah Rd) and U.S. 90-A
(Nine Mile Rd) Intersection and Signal Improvements-Re-bid” to Roads, Inc., of
NWF, in the amount of $401,801.39. [Funding to be provided in Fund 102,
“Economic Development Agreement Grant”, Cost Center 360616, Object Code
56301, in the amount of $321,588, and Fund 351, LOST II, Cost Center 210105,
Object Code 56301, Project Number 08EN0841, in the amount of $80,213.39]
9. Recommendation Concerning Resurfacing Copter, Pinestead, Untriener & Clay Groups – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity,
Indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.065, “Resurfacing Copter Group, Pinestead Group, Untriener Road and Clay Street” to Roads, Inc., of NWF, in the amount of $826,423.95. [Funding to be provided in Fund 333, New Road Construction, Cost Center 210204, Object Code 56301, Project Number 08EN0208 – $817,560, and Fund 351, LOST II, Cost Center 210105, Object Code 56301, Project Number 05EN0808 – $8,863.95]
10. Recommendation Concerning Sunset-Coral Group Resurfacing – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity,
Indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.069, “Sunset-Coral Group Resurfacing” to
Roads, Inc., of NWF, in the amount of $947,000.85. [Funding to be provided in
Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number
11. Recommendation Concerning ECAT Fuel Tank Installation – Amy Lovoy,
Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a Contract for “ECAT Fuel Tank
Installation, PD 07-08.103”, to Coastal Tank Works, LLC, in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the solicitation, in the amount of $148,160, with funding
available from Fund 320 (FTA Capital Project Fund), Cost Center 360528.
12. Recommendation Concerning Professional Services for Beulah Regional Park (Mobile Highway) – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning
Professional Services for Beulah Regional Park (Mobile Highway):
A. Approve the Selection/Negotiation Committee Ranking for Professional
Services for Beulah Regional Park (Mobile Highway), Task Order 02- (PD 07-08.046):
1. Hatch Mott MacDonald of Florida;
2. PBS&J; and
3. Fabre Engineering; and
B. Award Task Order 02-, Professional Services for
Beulah Regional Park (Mobile Highway) (reference # PD 07-08.046), per the
terms and conditions of PD 02-03.079, Professional Services as Governed
by Florida Statute 287.055 to Hatch Mott MacDonald of Florida in the
amount of $65,247.
[Funding: Fund 351, LOST II, Cost Center 350213, Object Code 56301]
13. Recommendation Concerning Joint Participation Agreement Number 2 Providing FDOT Service Development Funding for Crosstown Route / ECAT – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Supplemental Public
Transportation Joint Participation Agreement (JPA), Financial Project Number
4217341 84 01:
A. Approve the Service Development Crosstown Route Supplemental JPA
Number 2, providing for FDOT participation in the operation of Escambia
County Area Transit Route 63 traveling along SR 296, in the amount of
$100,000, for Fiscal Year 2009;
B. Adopt the authorizing Resolution; and
C. Authorize the Chairman to execute the JPA and Resolution.
14. Recommendation Concerning Joint Participation Agreement Providing FDOT
Service Development Funding for SR 292 on Perdido Key / ECAT – Sandra P.
Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Public Transportation Joint
Participation Agreement (JPA), Financial Project Number 4234921 84 01:
A. Approve the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA), providing FDOT Service
Development funding for a new weekend Escambia County Area Transit
service route on SR 292 (Sorrento Road) to Perdido Key, enhancing mass
transportation in that area, in the amount of $50,000, for Fiscal Year 2009;
B. Adopt the authorizing Resolution; and
C. Authorize the Chairman to execute the JPA and Resolution.
15. Recommendation Concerning Joint Participation Agreement Providing FDOT
Service Development Funding for West Side Service / ECAT – Sandra P.
Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Supplemental Public
Transportation Joint Participation Agreement (JPA), Financial Project Number
4234911 84 01:
A. Approve the Service Development West Side Service JPA, providing for
FDOT participation in the operation of a new Escambia County Area Transit
route, enhancing service to southwest Escambia County, in the amount of
$191,500, for Fiscal Year 2009;
B. Adopt the authorizing Resolution; and
C. Authorize the Chairman to execute the JPA and Resolution.
16. Recommendation Concerning FDOT Multi-Year Joint Participation Agreement Notification of Funding #2 / ECAT – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I.,
Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Multi-Year Joint Participation Agreement Notification of Funding #2, to Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Public Transportation Joint Participation Agreement (JPA), Financial Project Number 414101184 01, providing $694,888, in Florida State Block Grant Funding, in support of Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) service during Fiscal Year 2009.
17. Recommendation Concerning Acquisition of Rights-of-Way and Easements on Kingsfield Road and County Road 97 – Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works
Bureau Chief RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize staff to initiate the purchase process on properties for the acquisition of rights-of-way and easements on Kingsfield Road and County Road 97. This includes, but is not limited to obtaining title commitments, Phase I Environmental Assessments, appraisals, surveys and conducting inspections as needed. [Funding Source: Fund 351,LOST II, Account 210105/56301/56101, Project 07EN0375]
18. Recommendation Concerning Contract for Interruptible Natural Gas Service – Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the
Contract for Interruptible Natural Gas Service with the City of Pensacola (d/b/a
Energy Services of Pensacola):
A. Approve the City of Pensacola (d/b/a Energy Services of Pensacola)
Contract for Interruptible Natural Gas Service for 2935 North L Street, 1200
West Leonard Street, 357 South Baylen Street and 201 South Palafox
Street, establishing service subject to the current City Rate Schedule GAF
(Almost Firm Service, Ordinance No. 43-00); and
B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute all documents relating
to the Contract as required.
[Utility Costs are Funded in Cost Center 310601, Object Code 54301]
19. Recommendation Concerning Change Order for New One Stop Building – Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve and authorize the County
Administrator to execute the following Change Order:
20. Recommendation Concerning Ten Mile Road at Chemstrand Road Intersection Improvement Project – Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize Staff to initiate the purchase
process on properties for the acquisition of rights-of-way and easements for the
Ten Mile Road at Chemstrand Road Intersection Improvement Project. This
includes, but is not limited to obtaining title commitments, Phase I Environmental
Assessments, appraisals, surveys and conducting inspections as needed.
[Funding Source: Fund 352, LOST Tax lII, Account 210107/56301/56101, Project
Number 08EN0255]
21. Recommendation Concerning Electrical Repair Services / Time and Materials – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief / Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve and authorize the County
Administrator to execute the following Change Order:
Bureau: Neighborhood & Community Services / Public Works
Division: Parks Programs / Parks / Marine Maintenance
Type: Addition
Amount: $25,000.01
Vendor: Greg Williams Electric, Inc.
Project Name: Electrical Repair Services / Time and Materials
Contract: PD 04-05.12
PO No.: 280412
CO No.: 2
Original Award Amount: $46,000.00
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders through this CO: $29,000.00
New Contract Total: $75,000.00
[Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 350231, Equestrian Center – $11,000.01; Fund 001
General Fund, Cost Center 350226, Park Maintenance – $9,000; and Fund 351,
LOST II, Cost Center 350213, Parks Capital – $5,000]
*All items passed unanimously.

County Attorney
Billy E. Grantham and Helen F. Grantham vs. Escambia County, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through its Board of County
Commissioners – Case No.1D08-2885
On June 12, 2008, Lisa Minshew, Attorney representing the Granthams,
appealed to the District Court of Appeal asking for a review of the final
order of the Circuit Court of Escambia County which reviewed the Board’s
decision. Circuit Court Judge Nicholas Geeker entered an Order on May
16, 2008 denying the Granthams’ Petition for Writ of Certiorari and thereby
upholding the County’s latest denial of the requested rezoning of 9610
Chemstrand Road

Items added to the agenda.
“Back when we approved the funding with the 4th cent, but with the City’s request, they ask that we eliminate their need to match funds with the 450,” Robinson said.
“The City wants out of everything,” White said. “They want us to pay for a statue of a man people don’t really care about in the long run.”


Adjournment at 7 p.m.
