Notes: BCC regular meeting 4.03.08

Rawson’s Providence Manor final plat passed unanimously. His Roads, Inc was given two more road contracts – Blue Pit Drainage Improvements for $126,126; Ziglar Road Improvements for $136,126.90. This was very good meeting for Rawson/Roads Inc.

There was one exchange between Commissioners White and Valentino over doing business with a company that is suing the county:

“I have a problem awarding a contract to someone who is suing the county,” said White concerned the above two recommendations. “And for a problem they brought on themselves.”

“I also have heartburn doing business with people who have cost the county money,” Valentino said. “But we can not keep them from doing business here.”

Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting
April 3, 2008

Called to order at 5:32 p.m.
All county commissioners were present except Commissioner Grover Robinson, District 4, who is out of town.

Commissioner Mike Whitehead announced that he would add five items two the agenda, two more than he announced during the agenda review meeting this morning.

Commissioners’ Forum
“The fatal accident on Perdido Key Drive, SR 292, is an example of the problem we are having on state roads,” Commissioner Gene Valentino said. “We need to make those improvements because people are dying, and that’s not happening on my watch. We need to get our boarding counties on board as well. But we need to jump start the road production in this area.”

“I spent 25 minutes talking to the Governor about the economic development challenges we are having in our board county,” Whitehead said. “He acknowledged those challenges.”

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the following two Proclamations:
Both of the following proclamations were passed unanimously.
A. The Proclamation proclaiming April 13-19, 2008, as “Public Safety
Telecommunicators Week” in Escambia County
B. The Proclamation proclaiming May 18-24, 2008, as “Public Works Week” in Escambia County.

Employee of the Month Proclamations/Years of Service.
A. Adopt two Proclamations commending and congratulating the following employees for being selected as Employees of the Month for March and April 2008:
(1) Mr. Allen J. Holland, Fleet Maintenance Technician, Road Department, Public Works and Land Management Agency, Employee of the Month for March; and
(2) Mr. Greg D. Gay, Information Technology Specialist, Information Technology Department, Public Works and Land Management Agency, Employee of the Month for April; and

B. Recognize, with pins and certificates, the below-named employees for their dedication and years of service to Escambia County:
(1) Gordon C. Pike, Community Corrections Department, 35 years;
(2) Duane V. Chase, Road Department, 30 years; and
(3) Mary C. Banks, Road Department, 30 years.

Written Communication.
A. December 12, 2007 – Email Communication from Ken Burnham regarding fines associated with an “After the Fact” Land and Tree Management Permit, which, according to the Land and Tree Permit Comment Form, requires 18 replacement mitigation trees to be planted on property located at 5529 Empire Drive, or that Mr. Burnham provide payment of $200 per replacement tree, $3,600 total.

“The lot is small,” Burnham told the board. “If I planted those trees all of the mobile homes would be surrounded by trees. I can just see that being bad.”

“I never imagined that my ignorance would get me in this big of a problem,” he added.
Burnham was also given the option to plant the trees on public land if he did not have room on his own property.

“We have the most lax tree ordinance in the panhandle,” Whitehead said. “I just can’t see us getting any more lax. I am not against giving someone a year to get it done, but part of being in business is knowing the rules.”

Whitehead said the tree ordinances will be strengthened in the future.

“On August 21, 2007 you were offered an arrangement that you agreed to,” Valentino said to Burnham. “You missed the deadline and then introduced more structures on the property. You were given a chance to mitigate and you ignored it.”

White moved to allow Burnham to have 12 months to replant the trees on his or another property. It was seconded by Commissioner Marie Young.

It was passed 3 to 1 with Valentino opposed.

B. February 28, 2008 – Communication from David H. Gilchrist regarding liens and fines against property located at 2520 North Pace Boulevard; and

“I am here to ask for the removal of the $6,500 lien on my property,” Gilchrist said.
Gilchrist said the county accidentally removed his personal vehicles from the property, then fined him for the removal.

“We had an order to remove trash debris, overgrowth and all inoperable vehicles from the site,” said Walker of code enforcement. “We did not make a mistake.”

Young made a motion for Gilchrist to reduce the lien by half. It must be paid within 30 days.
This was passed unanimously.

C. March 4, 2008 – Email Communication from Janet Connell and Douglas Espinoza requesting that the Board forgive a lien against property located at 2135 Gloria Circle.

After a recommendation from the county attorney the board agreed to wave the lien due to a problem with due process.

Public Hearing for consideration of adopting an Ordinance creating the Cardinal Creek Street Lighting MSBU. Passed unanimously.

Public Hearing for consideration of adopting an Ordinance creating the Boulder Creek and First Addition Street Lighting MSBU. Passed unanimously.

Public Hearing for consideration of Rezoning Case 2008-1, requested by the Santa Rosa Island Authority.
Recommendation: That the Board take the following action concerning amending Part Ill of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances (1999), the Escambia County Land Development Code, as amended, providing for amendment to the 1988 Pensacola Beach Land Utilization Plan.
Passed unanimously.

Committee of the Whole Recommendation.
Recommendation: The Committee of the Whole, at the C/W Preliminary Budget Workshop held March 19, 2008, and continued to March 20, 2008, recommends that the Board take the following action concerning General Fund Programs for Fiscal Year 2008-2009:

A. Approve an allocation, in the amount of $35,000, for the Merit System Protection Board
B. Approve eliminating the funding, in the amount of $115,000, for the Human Relations Commission and
C. Approve, subject to Legal sign-off, decreasing the Tax Increment Financing (for five Community Redevelopment Areas) by 25%, for one year.

All three motions were passed unanimously.

Recommendation Concerning Blue Pit Drainage Improvements – Claudia Simmons, Purchasing Department Chief

The County Administrator recommended the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity, indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.044, “Blue Pit Drainage Improvements” to Roads, Inc., of NWF, in the amount of $126,126. [Funding to be provided from Fund 110, Blue Pit Wetland Enhancement Grant, Cost Center 212412, Object Code 56301]

Recommendation Concerning Ziglar Road Improvements – Claudia Simmons,Purchasing Department Chief

The County Administrator also recommended the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity, Indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.038, “Ziglar Road Improvements” to Roads, Inc., of NWF, in the amount of $136,126.90. [Funding to be provided from Fund 351, Local Option Sales Tax Extension, Cost Center 210105, Object code 56301,Project Number 05EN1105]

“I have a problem awarding a contract to someone who is suing the county,” said White concerned the above two recommendations. “And for a problem they brought on themselves.”
“I also have heartburn doing business with people who have cost the county money,” Valentino said. “But we can not keep them from doing business here.”
Both items passed 3-1 with White voting in the negative.

Items added to the agenda.
Commissioner Valentino would like to adopt a resolution to support the Air Force and the Mobile workers with the building of the new tankers. Passed unanimously.

Commissioner Mike Whitehead added three issues to the agenda in the agenda review meeting:
1. 30th Anniversary Passed unanimously.
2. A recommendation concerning Providence Manor Final Plat. Passed unanimously and without discussion.
3. A recommendation concerning out-of-town travel. Passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m.
