Rick's Blog

Notes: Budget workshop 3.20

Board of County Commissioners Public Hearings
Preliminary Budget Workshop
Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Countywide Budget, Continued
20 March 2008

Call to order at 10:40 a.m.
All county commissioners were present.

ITEM 40: Animal Control
1 ACO Eliminated/operating reductions
This item is inclusive of all animal control.
ITEM 39: Public Social Service
Reduction of more than $150,000 with a reduction of $40,000 for indigent burial, $95,500 for United Way and $15,000 for Veteran’s Serivces.

“The funds that you provide to our 16 programs have a great return,” Gene Norman, United Way of Escambia County said. “Last year you reduced the funding by a third. I urge you to return this funding for the benefit of the community.”

Two of the groups use the funding for leverage. Council on Aging has a 9 to 1 match. And Big Brothers and Big Sisters is 7.5 to 1.

“What’s the other million dollars for,” Whitehead asked.
Answer: Baker Act cases

A motion was made to cut indigent burial and veterans’ services and keep United Way funding.

ITEM 38: CRA Administration
ITEM 38: CRA Englewood
ITEM 38: CRA Barrancas
ITEM 38: CRA Palafox
ITEM 38: CRA Warrington
ITEM 38: CRA Brownsville
“We are decreasing the TIF by 10 percent,” Whitehead said.
The board then discussed decreasing the TIF by 50 percent, then 25 percent.
A motion was made by Young to decrease the TIF by 25 percent for one year. Robinson seconded it and it was approved unanimously.
ITEM 37: NESD Administration
Transferred redeveloper.
ITEM 36: Purchasing
Reduced three positions.
ITEM 35: IR- Telecommunications
Reduction in communications accounts.
“We are not anticipating any reduction in services,” Amy Lovoy, county budget manager said.
ITEM 34: Parks Maintenance
Transfer six positions and mowing costs to LOST. Maintenance is also looking to use inmate labor rather that in house personnel.
ITEM 33: Parks Administration
Eliminate one Senior Officer Position.
ITEM 32: Custodial
Eliminate long-term temp employees.
These contract employees allowed for special projects including stripping, waxing and shampooing carpets.
ITEM 31: Facilities Administration
New director and no retirements, reduces salaries. Reduce operating costs.
ITEM 30: Public Information Office
Reduce mail service, cell phones, district letters, UWF & WBQP contract.
Sonya Daniel said money could be saved by reducing the print products like newsletters by making them electronic or by shifting the information to the government access channel.
Valentino and Whitehead said they were hesitant to cut the budget that would not allow them to send out two district newsletters per year.
“I don’t think we can cut this,” Whitehead said.
Daniel will come back with an updated budget with the district newsletters staying at twice a year.
ITEM 29: Long Range Planning
Limit projects until 2010.
ITEM 29: Engineering Admin
ITEM 29: Storm water
ITEM 29: Traffic Control
Eliminate vacant positions.
ITEM 29: Transportation
ITEM 29: Planning Board
ITEM 29: Rezoning
ITEM 29: Board of Adjustments
ITEM 29: Planning Admin
Will reduce by $25,000. No cost allocation studies. And will print less budget books.
ITEM 27: Facilities Maintenance
ITEM 26: Priority One Facility Repairs
Capital improvement plans.
ITEM 25: Telecommunications/Utilities
ITEM 24: Code Enforcement
New software will allow for elimination of two positions.
ITEM 23: County Attorney
“The primary reduction reflects a staff reduction,” County Attorney A. Rogers said.
ITEM 22: County Administration
ITEM 21: Road Prison Admin
ITEM 20: Care and Custody/Road Prison
Eliminate four vacant positions and reduce uniform costs.
ITEM 19: Facility Operations/Road Prison
ITEM 18: Family Operations/Road Prison
ITEM 17: Holding Ponds
ITEM 16: Small Equipment Repair
ITEM 15: Garage Administration
Eliminate three vacant positions.
ITEM 14: Sign Maintenance
The board is looking to outsource this area.
“There are probably some dollars that can be saved here if we change our maintenance rotation,” Whitehead said.
ITEM 13: Road Maintenance
ITEM 12: Road Department Administration
The board decided to hold off on reductions to the road department budget.
“We many reduce the level of service to something that is unacceptable,” Whitehead said.
ITEM 11: Clerk of the Circuit Court
ITEM 10: Property Appraiser
ITEM 9: Supervisor of Elections
ITEM 8: Tax Collector
ITEM 7: Board of County Commissioners
ITEM 6: Pre-Trial Release
ITEM 5: Public Safety Administration
ITEM 4: Emergency Medical Services
ITEM 3: Emergency Management
ITEM 2: 911 Communications
ITEM 1: Court Security
ITEM 1: Detention
ITEM 1: Sheriff
The Sheriff’s target savings is $2 million, Whitehead said.

With these changes the budget reduction hit the proposed mark of a $12 million savings.
“We need to have one more pass at this,” Whitehead said.
The next meeting, to be scheduled in April, will address personnel.

The meeting concluded at 12:20.

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