Rick's Blog

Notes: Council 5.22.08

May 22 City Council meeting notes:

At Thursday night’s City Council meeting, Sam Hall asked his fellow council members if they would just vote on negotiations with the new city attorney and not discuss the matter any further.
No such luck.

Citing Page 10 of the City’s rules, Deputy Mayor John Jerralds made a motion to reconsider the action and the vote that had been taken because he wasn’t present.

Jerralds also noted the council’s strategic goals, which include improving communication between the council and citizens, and members serving as advocates, supporters and communicators.
On the night of the vote, Jerralds said he was at an area school at an event for his great nephew, I believe, who was named “student of the month.”

Hall seconded the motion, but it failed, with Mayor John Fogg, Hall and Jerralds voting yes.

“Apparently, (hiring Rusty Wells) was the right thing to do, because six people voted for it,” Councilman Jack Nobles said.

“I don’t find anything improper about it,” Nobles added. “The press likes to criticize us no matter what we do.”

Councilman Marty Donovan was absent from the meeting.
The Council approved 30-year bonds for captital improvements, such as jet ways, at Pensacola Regional Airport.

Airport director Frank Miller said the improvements will provide enhancements for economic prosperity. “The city is not responsible for the principal or interest on the bonds.”
The item was approved unanimously.
The Neighborhood Services Committee’s recommendation on cost cutting measures in the Sanitation department will be sent back to City staff because the ECUA/Escambia County litigation is over.
The East Hill recycling pilot project will continue as planned.
The other items from Monday’s committees meeting were also approved.

Councilman Mike DeSorbo said his motion to hire Wells has been presented as “Cloak and Dagger-like” happening at 10:30 at night. But it was on the agenda and done publicly and in the Sunshine, he said.

“We can’t find out from each other beforehand how we’re going to vote because of Sunshine (laws).”

Councilman Mike Wiggins said “cost control” was his primary reason for voting for Wells. “We’ve got to look everywhere we can to save money.”

“If we were going to hire Rusty Wells, that should have been made known at the start,” Jerralds said.

We’ve got Maritime Park and other issues right now, DeSorbo said. “(Rusty) is in tune with all these. What is the problem.”
Regarding the vote, “That was not a reversal of any prior action of the City Council at all,” City Attorney John Fleming said. After advertising the position, you would have decided among yourselves what to do next, he added.

“I believe in my heart it’s important that we do what we tell people we’re going to do,” Jerralds said.

The vote on beginning negotiations with Rusty Wells passed 6-2,
with Jerralds and Hall opposed.
Councilman P.C. Wu made a motion to give Fogg the title of “Mayor Emeritus” when he leaves the office after his 14 years of service.

With Fogg abstaining, the motion was quickly approved unanimously.

That’s a great example of what happens with something when we “stick to it, and we go ahead and do it,” Jerralds noted.

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