O’Brien responds to Beast article

My article on what fishermen are saying about their experiences in the Vessels of Opportunity program has blown up on the web (Huffington Post). Both O’Brien’s Response Management and BP have responded.

O’Brien’s Response Management:
“We have checked with our on-scene supervisor regarding this allegation. He denies that any such order was given to Vessels of Opportunity participants.”

I stand behind the story. These fishermen have nothing to gain from talking to me. They risk never being reactivated into the VOO program. Many have wanted to talk before now, but wouldn’t risk losing the income from BP and its subcontractors.

Capt. Mark Williams told me that BP didn’t have any scientists or engineers running the VOO operations. “It was run here by a bunch of out-of-work pipefitters. There was no rhyme or reason to all this. We were all shutting from hip trying to figure this out.”

It was Williams and the boat captains that developed the strategies for skimming the oil.
