Occupy Pensacola to March to City Hall

OP Press Release – Oct. 26: Occupy Pensacola’s march from Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Plaza to City Hall on Friday, Oct 28 at 5 p.m., will be police escorted. City Administrator Bill Reynolds, Director David Flaherty and Chief of Police Chip Simmons, representing the city’s support for our Occupy Movement, met with OP representatives Gary Paull Jr. and Father Nathan Monk to negotiate the terms of our relocation.

Tomorrow, Oct 27, 2011 we will be receiving a letter of “no objection” from the City for our occupation of City Hall. The city has agreed to give support by providing running water, electricity, trash pick-up service and portable toilet services.

There will also be music performances the following Saturday Oct 29, 2011 that will feature a variety of musical groups. The bill is currently being filled and three music groups have given a solid commitment with more bands discussing participation.
