Occupy responds to permit requirement

Occupy Pensacola Press Release: Occupy Pensacola Set Up for Political Posturing

Pensacola, Florida November 16, 2011 – Representatives from Occupy Pensacola entered the meeting today on the premise that there will be civil discourse pertaining to a long term solution that both the City and Occupy Pensacola can agree upon, such as an additional letter of “no objection” for a longer time period.

The meeting lasted 6 minutes. David Flaherty stated that he was under the impression from Bill Reynolds that this meeting is solely for Occupy Pensacola to apply for a permit, and would not discuss any other alternatives. When it was brought up that the City has previously said in their letter of “no objection” that this doesn’t classify as an event and thus does not require a permit, Special Events Coordinator Kim Kaminski then stated that it had changed from a rally to a sleep-over.

“Now there’s over-night camping,” she said, “We weren’t expecting that to happen.”

Civil Rights Attorney Alistair McKenzie then pointed out that in the letter of “no objection” it permitted over-night camping and also that they knew what the definition of over-night camping is and expected over-night camping.

With that, David Flaherty called the meeting to a close and they left the conference room.

Mayor Ashton Hayward has never spoken to people from Occupy Pensacola and has never visited the site of the occupation, despite what he said in his interview on Radio 1620.
