Odds favor Rubio for VP choice

Paddy Power makes Florida Senator Mark Rubio the favorite to be the Republican Vice Presidential candidate at 2/1, followed by Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie and Governor of New Mexico Susana Martinez who are considered to be his nearest rivals at odds of 5/1 and 11/2 respectively.

Also available in the betting are current Presidential candidates Rick Santorum at 20/1, Newt Gingrich at 40/1 with Ron Paul available at 50/1. Amongst the outsiders in the betting are Sarah Palin at 66/1, Donald Trump at 80/1 and Herman Cain at an unlikely 100/1

Paddy Power a spokesperson for Paddy Power said “Romney’s latest victories have put him in a very strong position and with his focus now turning to Obama I wouldn’t be surprised if he already had his running mate in mind.”

Republican Vice Presidential Candidate
2/1 Marco Rubio
5/1 Chris Christie
11/2 Susana Martinez
15/2 Rand Paul
9/1 Paul Ryan
10/1 Bob McDonnell
20/1 Rick Santorum
20/1 Rob Portman
20/1 Nikki Haley
20/1 Mitch Daniels
20/1 John Thune
25/1 Tim Pawlenty
25/1 Jon Huntsman
25/1 Bobby Jindal
25/1 Condoleezza Rice
25/1 Kelly Ayotte
33/1 Haley Barbour
33/1 Jim DeMint
40/1 Newt Gingrich
50/1 Ron Paul
50/1 Meg Whitman
66/1 Rick Perry
66/1 Sarah Palin
66/1 Colin Powell
80/1 Michele Bachmann
80/1 Donald Trump
100/1 Herman Cain
