Official Pensacola Employee Manual

What does the employee manual say about computer usage, emails and internet ( page 23):

Computer Usage
City owned computers are used throughout the organization for the express purpose of carrying out the official business of the City. Many are connected to the City’s wide area network. The use of computer games in City offices, other than those games needed to improve your computer skills, creates a poor image when visitors observe this practice.

You are allowed to bring data files from home computers to the office computers, provided the files are business-related. However, you are required to have all files from outside sources checked for viruses by the MIS Department before they are used on City PCs.

E-mail: The City’s electronic mail system is to be used for the efficient conduct of City business. If you are an authorized user, you will be responsible for the daily use and content of your messages. MIS staff is authorized to review email to insure compliance. Employees found in violation of the email policy will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Human Resources Manual.

Internet: Access to the Internet is established for authorized users. All City generated Internet transactions carried out while conducting City business are considered official City record and may be public records under the Public Records Law. You are responsible for the content of your messages and files. Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages and/or other materials must not be transmitted or received over the Internet.

What does the Human Resource Manua; say about city computer usage (page 113)?

(1) Official Business Only Policy
City-owned computers and Internet/Intranet access including e-mail are to be used for the express purpose of carrying out the official business of the City. It is recognized that, on occasion, the employee may have need to utilize the computer or Internet/Intranet for brief communications or for obtaining information of a personal nature. This is acceptable as normal procedure.However, Department Directors and supervisors are cautioned against permitting excessive computer or Internet/Intranet utilization for personal, social, civic or other purposes not directly benefiting the operation of the City. In no case will an employee use City computers or Internet/Intranet access for the conduct of a personal business operation. Any additional cost that arises from an activity by a City employee that is not for official City business will be the responsibility of the employee. Those found guilty of misusing City computer equipment or Internet/Intranet access may be subject to disciplinary reprimands or more serious action in accordance with Section G-1 of this manual.

Public Records
All City generated Internet/Intranet transactions (i.e. messages, web pages, files, documents, etc.) carried out while conducting City business using City-owned computer resources are considered official City records and may be public records under the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.

(5) Message Content
All City Internet/Intranet users are responsible for the content of their messages and files. Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages and/or other materials must not be transmitted over the Internet/Intranet. Messages that harass an individual or group because of sex, race, religious beliefs, national origin or physical attributes must not be transmitted over the Internet/Intranet.
