Oh, and about the county privatizing jail medical services

david morgan
Sheriff David Morgan shared this email exchange regarding the rumor that George Touart was working a backroom deal to bring back Armour to handle medical services at the county jail.

From: Alison A. Perdue
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:08 PM
To: Amy L. Lovoy; Gordon C. Pike; Thomas G. Turner; Susan W. Hendrix
Cc: Dianne C. Simpson
Subject: Armour Medical

It was my understanding that George didn’t want to touch the medical services at the jail…not broken, don’t fix it. However, Rick’s blog and the Sheriff are convinced we are putting together an RFP. Any of you know anything about this?

From: Amy L. Lovoy
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:14 PM
To: Alison A. Perdue; Gordon C. Pike; Thomas G. Turner; Susan W. Hendrix
Cc: Dianne C. Simpson
Subject: RE: Armour Medical

To my knowledge what you said is 100% correct. We are not preparing an RFP.

From: Alison A. Perdue [mailto:aaperdue@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:23 PM
To: Gerald E. Champagne
Cc: Dianne C. Simpson
Subject: FW: Armour Medical


From: Sheriff Morgan
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:48 PM
To: Gerald E. Champagne
Subject: RE: Armour Medical

Mr. Champagne; Please advise Ms. Lovoy and Ms. Perdue as to why we made this inquiry e.g., one of our former officers was contacted and asked by a representative of Armour Correctional Health Serivices (Santa Rosa Correctional Facility) to get specifics on our current medical staffing, costs, etc. And, that he had been asked by Mr. Touart to prepare a proposal for Escambia County Detention Facilities medical services.

This went far beyond ‘rumors and propaganda.’ That’s why we inquired.

Sheriff Morgan