OLF-8 posts draw criticism but few facts

To avoid hackers and comments that violate the rules for interaction, this blog has software that blocks certain posts based algorithms. Several posts defending Ms. Blackwell failed to get past the system. However, I have posted them here so readers can understand the other side of the debate over the future of OLF-8.

BombOlin Schultz
2025/01/07 at 4:18 pm

Well Mr. Outzen, I for one think it all stinks to high heaven and we need to turn every bit of the property into a wildlife refuge to keep the rest of Beulah from being concreted like Bergosh dreamed of doing. The business world is screaming Me Me Me and we finally have a responsible person in as our County Commissioner that will not allow this property to be misused and destroyed by incompetent industrial trash! Let’s see how that rolls off your tongue! Your personal attack on Ms. Blackwell is not what you want to proceed any further with because there are those in the community that appreciate her for standing her ground against corrupt business owners who have certain people of interest in their hip pocket. We have a meeting tonight at 6 PM at Beulah Freewill Baptist church. We welcome you to come and voice your concerns with Ms. Blackwell! I would love to discuss this further with you at the meeting. Might be interesting to say the least. Bless your heart and have a great day!

MY REPLY: Olin, Escambia County didn’t pay nearly $18 million to build you a wildlife reserve. The intent – since the late 1990s – has been to create a commerce park. The chamber’s initial efforts led to Navy Federal Credit Union building its Beulah campus and creating 10,000 jobs. You have no problems with name-calling – “corrupt business owners.” You make several accusations with no facts – as does Ms. Blackwell in her PNJ columns. We had a reporter at the meeting last night and will report later today.

A Beulah Resident
2025/01/07 at 11:11 pm

The levels of mental gymnastics required to ignore the bias in this hit piece against Mrs. Blackwell and residents of Beulah are truly Olympic. We’ll wait for Mr Outzen to provide just one verified instance of Mrs Blackwell either denying, OR opposing legitimate light industrial development on OLF-8. Mrs Blackwell opposes the recent efforts of Mr Outzen’s associates to acquire the deeds to the entirety of the 271 acres of OLF-8 zoned light industrial. I don’t see Mr Outzen blogging about THAT. Tell the WHOLE story. Mr Bear and his banker, Mr Vredenburg, have been exceptionally active the last few months lobbying the BCC to deed ALL 271 acres of light industrial zoned land on OLF-8 to PEDC. Maybe a little investigative journalism is in order… Why has this suddenly become a hot button issue, after so many years of relative inattention from Florida West/PEDC/local chambers of commerce and various other ‘alliances’? Mr Outzen’s continued propaganda and promotion of THIS agenda is much more questionable than Mrs Blackwell’s longstanding advocacy for the OLF-8 Master Plan and her community’s protection during the development of OLF-8. The author should be ashamed.

MY REPLY: No mental gymnastics required, just facts and knowledge of the property’s history. I have reported on the Business Alliance, which has requested the light industrial section be given to the PEDC to ensure it is developed per the master plan. The PEDC is a public body that must follow Florida Sunshine Laws. I don’t know what your basis is for saying FloridaWest/PEDC/local chambers have been inattentive. I don’t know what you mean by “many years.” I am promoting the OLF-8 Master Plan while Ms. Blackwell picks and chooses the parts that fit her agenda. She wants to decide what is “legitimate” light industrial, even though her definitions don’t agree with the master plan, DPZ Co-design or the county’s land development code.

2025/01/07 at 11:26 pm
We’ll wait for Mr Outzen to actually DOCUMENT a single instance where Mrs. Blackwell ‘misinterprets’ the OLF-8 Master Plan.

MY REPLY: I will post it later today. However, in her last PNJ column, you derided “advanced manufacturing” – even though light industrial includes it.

Olin Schultz
2025/01/08 at 6:30 am

Isn’t it great to be able to delete content when it goes against what you are slinging? I don’t expect you to keep this message either. You missed a very informative meeting last night with three different Developers presenting their ideas under a master plan and it seems that they are not reaching in others wallets to make it happen! I for one hate corruption in local government! Bless your heart and have a great day!

DoubtNote: All these posts were from the same IP address.

Featured Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash


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