Rick's Blog

On John Batchelor Show

Tonight I was on the John Batchelor Show. We talked about the stock market crash. Across the nation, retirees panicked over the worldwide economic crisis. It will days, maybe weeks, before we understand the impact on the City of Pensacola pensions and the Florida Retirement System.

My appearance was sandwiched in between Joseph Brusuelas, Bloomberg and Dennis Berman, WSJ, Shirley Leung, Boston Globe, McKay Coppins, The Daily Beast, David Drucker, Roll Call and John Avlon, The Daily Beast and Jay Root, Texas Tribune. It was a privilege to be included in the discussion.

John and I talked about the Republican presidential primary and the impact of Gov. Rick Perry on the race. Mitt Romney outspent John McCain 10 to 1 in the waning days of the 2008 GOP primary and still lost. I think Florida Republicans are looking for anyone, but Romney in 2012.

The decider could be U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and who he supports. Gov. Charlie Crist played that role in 2008.

John believes that Gov. Perry will announce later this week. If so, he will win support in Florida very quickly.

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