‘One World, Many Voices’ tickets on sale

Pensacola, Fla. – JANUARY 2023 – Tickets are now available for “One World, Many Voices,” presented by the Pensacola Children’s Chorus (PCC) on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at First Baptist Church. Audience members will be immersed in a showcase of musical diversity from the Congo, China, France, Canada, Nigeria, and more!
“One World, Many Voices embodies how music brings us all closer together,” says Alex Gartner, PCC’s Artistic & Executive Director. “This concert invites our audience to discover and appreciate the diversity of the world around us and perhaps to realize that when we look close enough, we aren’t so different from one another after all.”
As the name suggests, “One World, Many Voices” will transport the audience around the world featuring music with lively rhythms and instruments from many different cultures. Singers will enliven the stage with nostalgic folksongs, complex contemporary works, and everything in between. And if you were ever curious how chirping crickets bring about peace on earth, you’ll find the answer at One World, Many Voices.
“Music is one of life’s greatest connectors,” says Gartner. “With this concert, and in all our programs, we seek to use music to build lasting friendships, cultivate common values, and contribute to a better society. This is especially apparent in One World, Many Voices, where the power and vulnerability 200+ young voices will wrap our audience in beautiful, inspiring sound.”
With songs in Chinese, Arabic, Latin, Hebrew French, Kiluba (a language spoken by the Bantu people of central Africa), and even English, PCC’s singers will tell beautiful and exciting stories through song, amuse you with clever poems, and leave you humming a dulcet melody. Audiences are sure to leave both entertained and uplifted!
One World, Many Voices will be held at First Baptist Church (500 N. Palafox). Tickets for festival seating are available and range from $15-$35. Handicap and close-proximity VIP seating sections are available. The performance will also be streamed. For tickets and more information, visitwww.PensacolaSings.org.