Rick's Blog

Only one out of five Pensacola voters want hatchery at Bruce Beach

A recent telephone survey conducted over this past weekend by The Political Matrix found that only 20.4 percent of the city of Pensacola’s most likely voters believe the fish hatchery should be placed at Bruce Beach.

Inweekly hired The Political Matrix to gauge if the voters’ attitude as changed as more information has come public. It appears voters have become even less enamored with the hatchery.

The Political Matrix conducted its study via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology. The numbers used, landline and cellular, were supplied by the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office. Only households who voted at least three out of the last four elections were called.

Both black and white voters said they don’t want the fish hatcher at Bruce  Beach by nearly the same percentage. Males were slightly more in favor of the hatchery (22.7%) than female voters (18.6%).

The four council members that appear to be in favor of the fish hatchery at Bruce Beach have only between 28%-20% of the voters in their districts agreeing with their decision:  District 3 – Andy Terhaar 23.9%, District 4 – Larry Johnson 28.1%, District 5 – Gerald Wingate 23.9%, District 7 – Jewel Cannada-Wynn 20.0%.


Do you think the city should place a fish hatchery at Bruce Beach in downtown Pensacola?
Responses: 406 Total Overall %
1. Yes 83 20.40%
2. No 236 58.10%
3. undecided 87 21.40%
Ethnicity Responses 1. Yes 2. No 3. undecided
Hispanic 2 50.00% 0.00% 50.00%
Asian 3 33.30% 33.30% 33.30%
Black 78 19.20% 51.30% 29.50%
White 37 20.80% 60.30% 18.90%
Pacific islander 4 0.00% 75.00% 25.00%
Unwilling to respond 2 0.00% 50.00% 50.00%
Gender   1. Yes 2. No 3. undecided
Male 185 22.70% 62.20% 15.10%
Female 221 18.60% 54.80% 26.70%
Districts  Member Responses 1. Yes 2. No 3. undecided
1 Wu 60 15.00% 58.30% 26.70%
2 Myers 44 11.40% 63.60% 25.00%
3 Terhaar 88 23.90% 61.40% 14.80%
4 Johnson 64 28.10% 54.70% 17.20%
5 Wingate 46 23.90% 45.70% 30.40%
6 Spencer 59 16.90% 64.40% 18.60%
7 Wynn 45 20.00% 55.60% 24.40%

The poll conducted in early November asked a different question:

Do you support the State of Florida investing nearly 10 million dollars of BP remediation money for the construction of an experimental fish hatchery on downtown waterfront property and an additional 8 million for its operation?

Responses: 476
Total Overall %
1. Yes 143 30%
2. No 267 56%
3. undecided 66 14%



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