Oops, gas is cheaper than last year and 2008 (Bush’s final year)

In 2008, gasoline peaked mid-July at $4.12. I don’t remember Fox News or the GOP blaming then-Pres. George W. Bush. I write about it, but none of the politicians seemed to be concern.

In Obama’s first year – 2009, gas peaked at $2.67/g on 10/29/2009 – dropping $1.45/g from the Bush Administration high.

In 2010 – year of the BP oil spill, Peak Price: $3.02/g on 12/31/2010 – still below Bush high.

In 2011, gasoline peaked on May 4 at $3.92 per gallon.

Today, the average pump price is 3.821 per gallon.

—source: gasbuddy.com
